Source code for

from ..geometry import tau
import math

# a b c d
# e f g h
# i j k l
# m n o p
[docs]class Matrix3: """ A matrix that can be used to perform common transformations on three-dimensional points and vectors: >>> from . import Point, Vector >>> Matrix3.scale(*Vector(1, 2, 1).xyz) * Point(1, 1, 1) Point(1, 2, 1) """ __slots__ = list('abcdefghijklmnop') def __init__(self): self.a = self.f = self.k = self.p = 1. self.b = self.c = self.d = self.e = self.g = self.h = \ self.i = self.j = self.l = self.m = self.n = self.o = 0 def __copy__(self): M = Matrix3() M.a = self.a M.b = self.b M.c = self.c M.d = self.d M.e = self.e M.f = self.f M.g = self.g M.h = self.h M.i = self.i M.j = self.j M.k = self.k M.l = self.l M.m = self.m M.n = self.n M.o = self.o M.p = self.p return M copy = __copy__ def __repr__(self): return ('Matrix3([% 8.2f % 8.2f % 8.2f % 8.2f\n' \ ' % 8.2f % 8.2f % 8.2f % 8.2f\n' \ ' % 8.2f % 8.2f % 8.2f % 8.2f\n' \ ' % 8.2f % 8.2f % 8.2f % 8.2f])') \ % (self.a, self.b, self.c, self.d, self.e, self.f, self.g, self.h, self.i, self.j, self.k, self.l, self.m, self.n, self.o, self.p) def __getitem__(self, key): return [self.a, self.e, self.i, self.m, self.b, self.f, self.j, self.n, self.c, self.g, self.k, self.o, self.d, self.h, self.l, self.p][key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): L = self[:] L[key] = value (self.a, self.e, self.i, self.m, self.b, self.f, self.j, self.n, self.c, self.g, self.k, self.o, self.d, self.h, self.l, self.p) = L def __mul__(self, other): from . import Point3, Vector3 if isinstance(other, Matrix3): # Caching repeatedly accessed attributes in local variables # apparently increases performance by 20%. Attrib: Will McGugan. Aa = self.a Ab = self.b Ac = self.c Ad = self.d Ae = self.e Af = self.f Ag = self.g Ah = self.h Ai = self.i Aj = self.j Ak = self.k Al = self.l Am = self.m An = self.n Ao = self.o Ap = self.p Ba = other.a Bb = other.b Bc = other.c Bd = other.d Be = other.e Bf = other.f Bg = other.g Bh = other.h Bi = other.i Bj = other.j Bk = other.k Bl = other.l Bm = other.m Bn = other.n Bo = other.o Bp = other.p C = Matrix3() C.a = Aa * Ba + Ab * Be + Ac * Bi + Ad * Bm C.b = Aa * Bb + Ab * Bf + Ac * Bj + Ad * Bn C.c = Aa * Bc + Ab * Bg + Ac * Bk + Ad * Bo C.d = Aa * Bd + Ab * Bh + Ac * Bl + Ad * Bp C.e = Ae * Ba + Af * Be + Ag * Bi + Ah * Bm C.f = Ae * Bb + Af * Bf + Ag * Bj + Ah * Bn C.g = Ae * Bc + Af * Bg + Ag * Bk + Ah * Bo C.h = Ae * Bd + Af * Bh + Ag * Bl + Ah * Bp C.i = Ai * Ba + Aj * Be + Ak * Bi + Al * Bm C.j = Ai * Bb + Aj * Bf + Ak * Bj + Al * Bn C.k = Ai * Bc + Aj * Bg + Ak * Bk + Al * Bo C.l = Ai * Bd + Aj * Bh + Ak * Bl + Al * Bp C.m = Am * Ba + An * Be + Ao * Bi + Ap * Bm C.n = Am * Bb + An * Bf + Ao * Bj + Ap * Bn C.o = Am * Bc + An * Bg + Ao * Bk + Ap * Bo C.p = Am * Bd + An * Bh + Ao * Bl + Ap * Bp return C elif isinstance(other, Point3): A = self B = other P = Point3(0, 0, 0) P.x = A.a * B.x + A.b * B.y + A.c * B.z + A.d P.y = A.e * B.x + A.f * B.y + A.g * B.z + A.h P.z = A.i * B.x + A.j * B.y + A.k * B.z + A.l return P elif isinstance(other, Vector3): A = self B = other V = Vector3(0, 0, 0) V.x = A.a * B.x + A.b * B.y + A.c * B.z V.y = A.e * B.x + A.f * B.y + A.g * B.z V.z = A.i * B.x + A.j * B.y + A.k * B.z return V else: other = other.copy() other._apply_transform(self) return other __rmul__ = __mul__ def __imul__(self, other): assert isinstance(other, Matrix3) # Caching repeatedly accessed attributes in local variables # apparently increases performance by 20%. Attrib: Will McGugan. Aa = self.a Ab = self.b Ac = self.c Ad = self.d Ae = self.e Af = self.f Ag = self.g Ah = self.h Ai = self.i Aj = self.j Ak = self.k Al = self.l Am = self.m An = self.n Ao = self.o Ap = self.p Ba = other.a Bb = other.b Bc = other.c Bd = other.d Be = other.e Bf = other.f Bg = other.g Bh = other.h Bi = other.i Bj = other.j Bk = other.k Bl = other.l Bm = other.m Bn = other.n Bo = other.o Bp = other.p self.a = Aa * Ba + Ab * Be + Ac * Bi + Ad * Bm self.b = Aa * Bb + Ab * Bf + Ac * Bj + Ad * Bn self.c = Aa * Bc + Ab * Bg + Ac * Bk + Ad * Bo self.d = Aa * Bd + Ab * Bh + Ac * Bl + Ad * Bp self.e = Ae * Ba + Af * Be + Ag * Bi + Ah * Bm self.f = Ae * Bb + Af * Bf + Ag * Bj + Ah * Bn self.g = Ae * Bc + Af * Bg + Ag * Bk + Ah * Bo self.h = Ae * Bd + Af * Bh + Ag * Bl + Ah * Bp self.i = Ai * Ba + Aj * Be + Ak * Bi + Al * Bm self.j = Ai * Bb + Aj * Bf + Ak * Bj + Al * Bn self.k = Ai * Bc + Aj * Bg + Ak * Bk + Al * Bo self.l = Ai * Bd + Aj * Bh + Ak * Bl + Al * Bp self.m = Am * Ba + An * Be + Ao * Bi + Ap * Bm self.n = Am * Bb + An * Bf + Ao * Bj + Ap * Bn self.o = Am * Bc + An * Bg + Ao * Bk + Ap * Bo self.p = Am * Bd + An * Bh + Ao * Bl + Ap * Bp return self def transform(self, other): A = self B = other P = Point3(0, 0, 0) P.x = A.a * B.x + A.b * B.y + A.c * B.z + A.d P.y = A.e * B.x + A.f * B.y + A.g * B.z + A.h P.z = A.i * B.x + A.j * B.y + A.k * B.z + A.l w = A.m * B.x + A.n * B.y + A.o * B.z + A.p if w != 0: P.x /= w P.y /= w P.z /= w return P def transpose(self): (self.a, self.e, self.i, self.m, self.b, self.f, self.j, self.n, self.c, self.g, self.k, self.o, self.d, self.h, self.l, self.p) = \ (self.a, self.b, self.c, self.d, self.e, self.f, self.g, self.h, self.i, self.j, self.k, self.l, self.m, self.n, self.o, self.p) def transposed(self): M = self.copy() M.transpose() return M # Static constructors
[docs] @classmethod def new(cls, *values): """ Create a new matrix from the provided `values` array. """ M = cls() M[:] = values return M
[docs] @classmethod def identity(cls): """ The identity transform: >>> from . import Point >>> Matrix3.identity() * Point(1, 1, 1) Point(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) """ self = cls() return self
[docs] @classmethod def scale(cls, x, y, z): """ A scale transform: >>> from . import Point, Vector >>> Matrix3.scale(*Vector(1, 2, 1).xyz) * Point(1, 1, 1) Point(1, 2, 1) """ self = cls() self.a = x self.f = y self.k = z return self
[docs] @classmethod def translate(cls, x, y, z): """ A translation transform: >>> from . import Point, Vector >>> Matrix3.translate(*Vector(1, 2, 1).xyz) * Point(1, 1, 1) Point(2.0, 3.0, 2.0) """ self = cls() self.d = x self.h = y self.l = z return self
[docs] @classmethod def rotate_axis(cls, axis, angle): """ A rotational transform: >>> from . import Point, Vector >>> (Matrix3.rotate_axis(Vector.basis.z, tau / 4) * Point(1, 0, 0)).rounded() Point(0, 1, 0) """ from . import Vector3 assert(isinstance(axis, Vector3)) vector = axis.normalized() x = vector.x y = vector.y z = vector.z self = cls() s = math.sin(angle) c = math.cos(angle) c1 = 1. - c # from the glRotate man page self.a = x * x * c1 + c self.b = x * y * c1 - z * s self.c = x * z * c1 + y * s self.e = y * x * c1 + z * s self.f = y * y * c1 + c self.g = y * z * c1 - x * s self.i = x * z * c1 - y * s self.j = y * z * c1 + x * s self.k = z * z * c1 + c return self
[docs] @classmethod def rotate_at(cls, origin, axis, angle): """ A rotational transform: >>> from . import Point, Vector >>> rotation = Matrix3.rotate_at(Point(1, 1, 1), Vector.basis.z, tau / 4) >>> (rotation * Point(2, 1, 1)).rounded() Point(1, 2, 1) """ return ( Matrix3.translate(*(origin).xyz) * Matrix3.rotate_axis(axis, angle) * Matrix3.translate(*(-origin).xyz) )
@classmethod def rotate_euler(cls, heading, attitude, bank): # from ch = math.cos(heading) sh = math.sin(heading) ca = math.cos(attitude) sa = math.sin(attitude) cb = math.cos(bank) sb = math.sin(bank) self = cls() self.a = ch * ca self.b = sh * sb - ch * sa * cb self.c = ch * sa * sb + sh * cb self.e = sa self.f = ca * cb self.g = -ca * sb self.i = -sh * ca self.j = sh * sa * cb + ch * sb self.k = -sh * sa * sb + ch * cb return self @classmethod def rotate_triple_axis(cls, x, y, z): m = cls() m.a, m.b, m.c = x.x, y.x, z.x m.e, m.f, m.g = x.y, y.y, z.y m.i, m.j, m.k = x.z, y.z, z.z return m @classmethod def look_at(cls, eye, at, up): z = (eye - at).normalized() x = up.cross(z).normalized() y = z.cross(x) m = cls.rotate_triple_axis(x, y, z) m.transpose() m.d, m.h, m.l =,, return m @classmethod def perspective(cls, fov_y, aspect, near, far): # from the gluPerspective man page f = 1 / math.tan(fov_y / 2) self = cls() assert near != 0.0 and near != far self.a = f / aspect self.f = f self.k = (far + near) / (near - far) self.l = 2 * far * near / (near - far) self.o = -1 self.p = 0 return self def determinant(self): return ((self.a * self.f - self.e * self.b) * (self.k * self.p - self.o * self.l) - (self.a * self.j - self.i * self.b) * (self.g * self.p - self.o * self.h) + (self.a * self.n - self.m * self.b) * (self.g * self.l - self.k * self.h) + (self.e * self.j - self.i * self.f) * (self.c * self.p - self.o * self.d) - (self.e * self.n - self.m * self.f) * (self.c * self.l - self.k * self.d) + (self.i * self.n - self.m * self.j) * (self.c * self.h - self.g * self.d)) def inverse(self): tmp = Matrix3() d = self.determinant(); if abs(d) < 0.001: # No inverse, return identity return tmp else: d = 1.0 / d; tmp.a = d * (self.f * (self.k * self.p - self.o * self.l) + self.j * (self.o * self.h - self.g * self.p) + self.n * (self.g * self.l - self.k * self.h)); tmp.e = d * (self.g * (self.i * self.p - self.m * self.l) + self.k * (self.m * self.h - self.e * self.p) + self.o * (self.e * self.l - self.i * self.h)); tmp.i = d * (self.h * (self.i * self.n - self.m * self.j) + self.l * (self.m * self.f - self.e * self.n) + self.p * (self.e * self.j - self.i * self.f)); tmp.m = d * (self.e * (self.n * self.k - self.j * self.o) + self.i * (self.f * self.o - self.n * self.g) + self.m * (self.j * self.g - self.f * self.k)); tmp.b = d * (self.j * (self.c * self.p - self.o * self.d) + self.n * (self.k * self.d - self.c * self.l) + self.b * (self.o * self.l - self.k * self.p)); tmp.f = d * (self.k * (self.a * self.p - self.m * self.d) + self.o * (self.i * self.d - self.a * self.l) + self.c * (self.m * self.l - self.i * self.p)); tmp.j = d * (self.l * (self.a * self.n - self.m * self.b) + self.p * (self.i * self.b - self.a * self.j) + self.d * (self.m * self.j - self.i * self.n)); tmp.n = d * (self.i * (self.n * self.c - self.b * self.o) + self.m * (self.b * self.k - self.j * self.c) + self.a * (self.j * self.o - self.n * self.k)); tmp.c = d * (self.n * (self.c * self.h - self.g * self.d) + self.b * (self.g * self.p - self.o * self.h) + self.f * (self.o * self.d - self.c * self.p)); tmp.g = d * (self.o * (self.a * self.h - self.e * self.d) + self.c * (self.e * self.p - self.m * self.h) + self.g * (self.m * self.d - self.a * self.p)); tmp.k = d * (self.p * (self.a * self.f - self.e * self.b) + self.d * (self.e * self.n - self.m * self.f) + self.h * (self.m * self.b - self.a * self.n)); tmp.o = d * (self.m * (self.f * self.c - self.b * self.g) + self.a * (self.n * self.g - self.f * self.o) + self.e * (self.b * self.o - self.n * self.c)); tmp.d = d * (self.b * (self.k * self.h - self.g * self.l) + self.f * (self.c * self.l - self.k * self.d) + self.j * (self.g * self.d - self.c * self.h)); tmp.h = d * (self.c * (self.i * self.h - self.e * self.l) + self.g * (self.a * self.l - self.i * self.d) + self.k * (self.e * self.d - self.a * self.h)); tmp.l = d * (self.d * (self.i * self.f - self.e * self.j) + self.h * (self.a * self.j - self.i * self.b) + self.l * (self.e * self.b - self.a * self.f)); tmp.p = d * (self.a * (self.f * self.k - self.j * self.g) + self.e * (self.j * self.c - self.b * self.k) + self.i * (self.b * self.g - self.f * self.c)); return tmp;
[docs] def get_quaternion(self): """ Returns a quaternion representing the rotation part of the matrix. """ # Taken from: # trace = self.a + self.f + self.k if trace > 0.00000001: #avoid dividing by zero s = math.sqrt(1. + trace) * 2 x = (self.j - self.g) / s y = (self.c - self.i) / s z = (self.e - self.b) / s w = 0.25 * s else: #this is really convenient to have now mat = (self.a, self.b, self.c, self.d, self.e, self.f, self.g, self.h, self.i, self.j, self.k, self.l, self.m, self.n, self.o, self.p ) if ( mat[0] > mat[5] and mat[0] > mat[10] ): #Column 0 s = math.sqrt( 1.0 + mat[0] - mat[5] - mat[10] ) * 2 x = 0.25 * s y = (mat[4] + mat[1] ) / s z = (mat[2] + mat[8] ) / s w = (mat[9] - mat[6] ) / s elif ( mat[5] > mat[10] ): # Column 1 s = math.sqrt( 1.0 + mat[5] - mat[0] - mat[10] ) * 2 x = (mat[4] + mat[1] ) / s y = 0.25 * s z = (mat[9] + mat[6] ) / s w = (mat[2] - mat[8] ) / s else: # Column 2 s = math.sqrt( 1.0 + mat[10] - mat[0] - mat[5] ) * 2 x = (mat[2] + mat[8] ) / s y = (mat[9] + mat[6] ) / s z = 0.25 * s w = (mat[4] - mat[1] ) / s return Quaternion(w, x, y, z)
Matrix = Matrix3
[docs]class Quaternion: """ Quaternions are composable representations of three-dimensional rotation operations. Multiplication can be performed on `Vector` instances to get the transformed vector or point: >>> from . import Vector >>> r = Quaternion.rotate_axis(Vector.basis.x, tau / 4); >>> (r * Vector(0, 1, 0)).rounded() Vector(0, 0, 1) """ # All methods and naming conventions based off # # w is the real part, (x, y, z) are the imaginary parts __slots__ = ['w', 'x', 'y', 'z'] def __init__(self, w=1, x=0, y=0, z=0): self.w = w self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z def __copy__(self): Q = Quaternion() Q.w = self.w Q.x = self.x Q.y = self.y Q.z = self.z return Q copy = __copy__ def __repr__(self): return 'Quaternion({0!r}, {1!r}, {2!r}, {3!r})'.format(self.w, self.x, self.y, self.z) def __mul__(self, other): from . import Point3, Vector3 if isinstance(other, Quaternion): Ax = self.x Ay = self.y Az = self.z Aw = self.w Bx = other.x By = other.y Bz = other.z Bw = other.w Q = Quaternion() Q.x = Ax * Bw + Ay * Bz - Az * By + Aw * Bx Q.y = -Ax * Bz + Ay * Bw + Az * Bx + Aw * By Q.z = Ax * By - Ay * Bx + Az * Bw + Aw * Bz Q.w = -Ax * Bx - Ay * By - Az * Bz + Aw * Bw return Q elif isinstance(other, Vector3): w = self.w x = self.x y = self.y z = self.z Vx = other.x Vy = other.y Vz = other.z ww = w * w w2 = w * 2 wx2 = w2 * x wy2 = w2 * y wz2 = w2 * z xx = x * x x2 = x * 2 xy2 = x2 * y xz2 = x2 * z yy = y * y yz2 = 2 * y * z zz = z * z return other.__class__(\ ww * Vx + wy2 * Vz - wz2 * Vy + \ xx * Vx + xy2 * Vy + xz2 * Vz - \ zz * Vx - yy * Vx, xy2 * Vx + yy * Vy + yz2 * Vz + \ wz2 * Vx - zz * Vy + ww * Vy - \ wx2 * Vz - xx * Vy, xz2 * Vx + yz2 * Vy + \ zz * Vz - wy2 * Vx - yy * Vz + \ wx2 * Vy - xx * Vz + ww * Vz) else: other = other.copy() other._apply_transform(self) return other def __imul__(self, other): assert isinstance(other, Quaternion) Ax = self.x Ay = self.y Az = self.z Aw = self.w Bx = other.x By = other.y Bz = other.z Bw = other.w self.x = Ax * Bw + Ay * Bz - Az * By + Aw * Bx self.y = -Ax * Bz + Ay * Bw + Az * Bx + Aw * By self.z = Ax * By - Ay * Bx + Az * Bw + Aw * Bz self.w = -Ax * Bx - Ay * By - Az * Bz + Aw * Bw return self def __abs__(self): return math.sqrt(self.w ** 2 + \ self.x ** 2 + \ self.y ** 2 + \ self.z ** 2) magnitude = __abs__ def magnitude_squared(self): return self.w ** 2 + \ self.x ** 2 + \ self.y ** 2 + \ self.z ** 2 def identity(self): self.w = 1 self.x = 0 self.y = 0 self.z = 0 return self def rotate_axis(self, axis, angle): self *= Quaternion.rotate_axis(axis, angle) return self def rotate_euler(self, heading, attitude, bank): self *= Quaternion.rotate_euler(heading, attitude, bank) return self def rotate_matrix(self, m): self *= Quaternion.rotate_matrix(m) return self def conjugated(self): Q = Quaternion() Q.w = self.w Q.x = -self.x Q.y = -self.y Q.z = -self.z return Q def normalize(self): d = self.magnitude() if d != 0: self.w /= d self.x /= d self.y /= d self.z /= d return self def normalized(self): d = self.magnitude() if d != 0: Q = Quaternion() Q.w = self.w / d Q.x = self.x / d Q.y = self.y / d Q.z = self.z / d return Q else: return self.copy() def get_angle_axis(self): if self.w > 1: self = self.normalized() angle = 2 * math.acos(self.w) s = math.sqrt(1 - self.w ** 2) if s < 0.001: return angle, Vector3(1, 0, 0) else: return angle, Vector3(self.x / s, self.y / s, self.z / s) def get_euler(self): t = self.x * self.y + self.z * self.w if t > 0.4999: heading = 2 * math.atan2(self.x, self.w) attitude = math.pi / 2 bank = 0 elif t < -0.4999: heading = -2 * math.atan2(self.x, self.w) attitude = -math.pi / 2 bank = 0 else: sqx = self.x ** 2 sqy = self.y ** 2 sqz = self.z ** 2 heading = math.atan2(2 * self.y * self.w - 2 * self.x * self.z, 1 - 2 * sqy - 2 * sqz) attitude = math.asin(2 * t) bank = math.atan2(2 * self.x * self.w - 2 * self.y * self.z, 1 - 2 * sqx - 2 * sqz) return heading, attitude, bank def get_matrix(self): xx = self.x ** 2 xy = self.x * self.y xz = self.x * self.z xw = self.x * self.w yy = self.y ** 2 yz = self.y * self.z yw = self.y * self.w zz = self.z ** 2 zw = self.z * self.w M = Matrix3() M.a = 1 - 2 * (yy + zz) M.b = 2 * (xy - zw) M.c = 2 * (xz + yw) M.e = 2 * (xy + zw) M.f = 1 - 2 * (xx + zz) M.g = 2 * (yz - xw) M.i = 2 * (xz - yw) M.j = 2 * (yz + xw) M.k = 1 - 2 * (xx + yy) return M # Static constructors @classmethod def identity(cls): return cls() @classmethod def rotate_axis(cls, axis, angle): from . import Vector3 assert(isinstance(axis, Vector3)) axis = axis.normalized() s = math.sin(angle / 2) Q = cls() Q.w = math.cos(angle / 2) Q.x = axis.x * s Q.y = axis.y * s Q.z = axis.z * s return Q @classmethod def rotate_euler(cls, heading, attitude, bank): Q = cls() c1 = math.cos(heading / 2) s1 = math.sin(heading / 2) c2 = math.cos(attitude / 2) s2 = math.sin(attitude / 2) c3 = math.cos(bank / 2) s3 = math.sin(bank / 2) Q.w = c1 * c2 * c3 - s1 * s2 * s3 Q.x = s1 * s2 * c3 + c1 * c2 * s3 Q.y = s1 * c2 * c3 + c1 * s2 * s3 Q.z = c1 * s2 * c3 - s1 * c2 * s3 return Q @classmethod def rotate_matrix(cls, m): if m[0*4 + 0] + m[1*4 + 1] + m[2*4 + 2] > 0.00000001: t = m[0*4 + 0] + m[1*4 + 1] + m[2*4 + 2] + 1.0 s = 0.5/math.sqrt(t) return cls( s*t, (m[1*4 + 2] - m[2*4 + 1])*s, (m[2*4 + 0] - m[0*4 + 2])*s, (m[0*4 + 1] - m[1*4 + 0])*s ) elif m[0*4 + 0] > m[1*4 + 1] and m[0*4 + 0] > m[2*4 + 2]: t = m[0*4 + 0] - m[1*4 + 1] - m[2*4 + 2] + 1.0 s = 0.5/math.sqrt(t) return cls( (m[1*4 + 2] - m[2*4 + 1])*s, s*t, (m[0*4 + 1] + m[1*4 + 0])*s, (m[2*4 + 0] + m[0*4 + 2])*s ) elif m[1*4 + 1] > m[2*4 + 2]: t = -m[0*4 + 0] + m[1*4 + 1] - m[2*4 + 2] + 1.0 s = 0.5/math.sqrt(t) return cls( (m[2*4 + 0] - m[0*4 + 2])*s, (m[0*4 + 1] + m[1*4 + 0])*s, s*t, (m[1*4 + 2] + m[2*4 + 1])*s ) else: t = -m[0*4 + 0] - m[1*4 + 1] + m[2*4 + 2] + 1.0 s = 0.5/math.sqrt(t) return cls( (m[0*4 + 1] - m[1*4 + 0])*s, (m[2*4 + 0] + m[0*4 + 2])*s, (m[1*4 + 2] + m[2*4 + 1])*s, s*t ) @classmethod def interpolate(cls, q1, q2, t): assert isinstance(q1, Quaternion) and isinstance(q2, Quaternion) Q = cls() costheta = q1.w * q2.w + q1.x * q2.x + q1.y * q2.y + q1.z * q2.z if costheta < 0.: costheta = -costheta q1 = q1.conjugated() elif costheta > 1: costheta = 1 theta = math.acos(costheta) if abs(theta) < 0.01: Q.w = q2.w Q.x = q2.x Q.y = q2.y Q.z = q2.z return Q sintheta = math.sqrt(1.0 - costheta * costheta) if abs(sintheta) < 0.01: Q.w = (q1.w + q2.w) * 0.5 Q.x = (q1.x + q2.x) * 0.5 Q.y = (q1.y + q2.y) * 0.5 Q.z = (q1.z + q2.z) * 0.5 return Q ratio1 = math.sin((1 - t) * theta) / sintheta ratio2 = math.sin(t * theta) / sintheta Q.w = q1.w * ratio1 + q2.w * ratio2 Q.x = q1.x * ratio1 + q2.x * ratio2 Q.y = q1.y * ratio1 + q2.y * ratio2 Q.z = q1.z * ratio1 + q2.z * ratio2 return Q