Source code for petrify.solid

Creation of complex objects from humble building blocks:

:py:class:`Box` :
    A simple box.
:py:class:`Cylinder` :
    A cylinder rotated around an origin and axis.
:py:class:`Sphere` :
    A sphere centered around a given point.
:py:class:`PolygonExtrusion` :
    Extrusion of a :class:`` into a three-dimensional shape.
:py:class:`Spun` :
    A series of profiles spun around an axis and connected together.
:py:class:`Extrusion` :
    Complex layered objects with polygon slices.
:py:class:`Node` :
    Arbitrary construction of geometry via polygons.

All of the above classes subclass :py:class:`Node`, which allows object joining
via CSG union and difference operations.

import math

from . import engines, plane, shape, units, util, visualize
from .generic import Polygon, Point, Vector
from .space import _pmap, Matrix, PlanarPolygon, Face, Basis, Vector3
from .geometry import tau, valid_scalar

[docs]def perpendicular(axis): "Return a vector that is perpendicular to the given axis." if axis.x == 0 and axis.y == 0: return Vector(1, -1, 0) elif axis.z == 0: return Vector(-axis.y, axis.x, 0) else: return Vector(axis.y, axis.x, -2 * axis.x * axis.y)
[docs]class Node: """ Convenience class for performing CSG operations on geometry. All instances of this class can be added and subtracted via the built-in `__add__` and `__sub__` methods: >>> a = Box(Point(0, 0, 0), Vector(1, 1, 1)) >>> b = Box(Point(0, 0, 0.5), Vector(1, 1, 1)) >>> union = a + b >>> difference = a - b All nodes also support scaling and translation via vectors: >>> box = Box(Point(0, 0, 0), Vector(1, 1, 1)) >>> (box * Vector(2, 1, 1)).envelope() Box(Point(0, 0, 0), Vector(2, 1, 1)) >>> (box + Vector(1, 0, 1)).envelope() Box(Point(1.0, 0.0, 1.0), Vector(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) To support unit operations via `pint`, multiplication and division by a scalar are also supported: >>> (box * 2).envelope() Box(Point(0, 0, 0), Vector(2, 2, 2)) >>> (box / 2).envelope() Box(Point(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vector(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) >>> from petrify import u >>> (box * <Unit('millimeter')> """ def __init__(self, polygons): self.polygons = polygons self.view_data = {} def view(self, **data): return View(self, **data) def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Vector3): return self.translate(other) elif isinstance(other, Node): n = Node(engines.csg.union(self.polygons, other.polygons)) = [self, other] return n else: return NotImplemented def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Vector3): return self.scale(other) elif isinstance(other, Node): n = Node(engines.csg.intersect(self.polygons, other.polygons)) = [self, other] return n elif valid_scalar(other): return self * Vector(other, other, other) else: return NotImplemented __rmul__ = __mul__ def __truediv__(self, other): if valid_scalar(other): return self * Vector(1 / other, 1 / other, 1 / other) else: return NotImplemented def __sub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Vector3): return self.translate(-other) elif isinstance(other, Node): n = Node(engines.csg.subtract(self.polygons, other.polygons)) n.original = self n.removal = other return n else: return NotImplemented @property def points(self): return [x for p in self.polygons for x in p.points]
[docs] def envelope(self): """ Returns the axis-aligned bounding box for this shape: >>> parallelogram = Polygon([ ... Point(0, 0), ... Point(0, 1), ... Point(1, 2), ... Point(1, 1) ... ]) >>> extruded = PolygonExtrusion( ... PlanarPolygon(Basis.xy, parallelogram), ... Vector(0, 0, 1) ... ) >>> extruded.envelope() Box(Point(0, 0, 0), Vector(1, 2, 1)) """ origin = _pmap(Point, min, self.points) extent = _pmap(Point, max, self.points) return Box(origin, extent - origin)
def mesh(self): import numpy as np import pythreejs as js wireframe = self.view_data.get('wireframe', False) def triangles(polygon): points = polygon.points return [(points[0], points[ix], points[ix + 1]) for ix in range(1, len(polygon.points) - 1)] def _ba(vs): points = np.array(vs, dtype=np.float32) return js.BufferAttribute(array=points, normalized=False) vertices = [ list( for polygon in self.polygons for t in triangles(polygon) for p in t ] normals = [ list( for polygon in self.polygons for t in triangles(polygon) for p in t ] geometry = js.BufferGeometry( attributes={ 'position': _ba(vertices), 'normal': _ba(normals) }, ) if not wireframe: color = self.view_data.get('color', 'white') material = material=js.MeshLambertMaterial(color=color) opacity = self.view_data.get('opacity') if opacity is not None: material.opacity = opacity material.transparent = True return js.Mesh(geometry, material) else: color = self.view_data.get('color', '#00ff00') material = js.MeshBasicMaterial(color=color, wireframe=True) return js.Mesh(geometry, material)
[docs] def render(self, **properties): """ Create a `pythreejs`_ visualization of this geometry for use in interactive notebooks. .. _`pythreejs`: """ return visualize.scene([self], **properties)
def _ipython_display_(self): self.render()._ipython_display_()
[docs] def as_unit(self, unit): """ Declare a unit for unitless geometry: >>> Box(Point(0, 0, 0), Vector(1, 1, 1)).as_unit('inch').units <Unit('inch')> """ return units.assert_lengthy(1 * units.parse_unit(unit)) * self
[docs] def scale(self, scale): """ Scale this geometry by the provided `scale` vector. """ return Transformed(self, Matrix.scale(*
[docs] def translate(self, delta): """ Translate this geometry by the provided `translate` vector. """ return Transformed(self, Matrix.translate(*
[docs] def rotate(self, axis, theta): """ Rotate this geometry around the given `axis` vector by `theta` radians. """ return Transformed(self, Matrix.rotate_axis(axis, theta))
[docs] def rotate_at(self, origin, axis, theta): """ Rotate this geometry about the given `origin` and `axis` by `theta` radians. """ return Transformed(self, Matrix.rotate_at(origin, axis, theta))
[docs] def centered(self, point): """ Center this node at the given `point`: >>> b = Box(Point(0, 0, 0), Vector(2, 2, 2)) >>> b.centered(Point.origin).envelope() Box(Point(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0), Vector(2.0, 2.0, 2.0)) """ return, point)
[docs]class Collection(Node): """ Collection of multiple objects. Self-intersection is unsupported, but lack of intersection is not enforced: >>> c = Collection([ ... Box(Point.origin, Vector(1, 1, 1)), ... Box(Point(0, 5, 0), Vector(1, 1, 1)) ... ]) """ def __init__(self, nodes): self.nodes = nodes super().__init__([p for n in nodes if hasattr(n, 'polygons') for p in n.polygons]) def __sub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Vector3): return self.translate(-other) elif isinstance(other, Node): return Collection([n - other for n in self.nodes]) else: return NotImplemented def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Vector3) or isinstance(other, Node): nodes = [n * other for n in self.nodes] return Collection([n for n in nodes if len(n.polygons) > 0]) elif valid_scalar(other): return self * Vector(other, other, other) else: return NotImplemented def view(self, **data): return Collection([n.view(**data) for n in self.nodes]) def flatten(self): return [child for n in self.nodes for child in (n.flatten() if isinstance(n, Collection) else [n])]
[docs] def render(self, **properties): return visualize.scene(self.flatten(), **properties)
[docs] def scale(self, scale): return Collection([node.scale(scale) for node in self.nodes])
[docs] def translate(self, delta): return Collection([node.translate(delta) for node in self.nodes])
[docs] def rotate(self, axis, theta): return Collection([node.rotate(axis, theta) for node in self.nodes])
[docs] def rotate_at(self, origin, axis, theta): return Collection([node.rotate_at(origin, axis, theta) for node in self.nodes])
[docs]class View(Node): """ Apply view properties to geometry. >>> v = View(Box(Point.origin, Vector(1, 1, 1)), wireframe=True) """ def __init__(self, node, **data): self.node = node super().__init__(node.polygons) self.view_data = data def _apply_inner(self, node): if node == NotImplemented: return NotImplemented return View(node, **self.view_data) def __add__(self, other): return self._apply_inner(self.node + other) def __mul__(self, other): return self._apply_inner(self.node * other) __rmul__ = __mul__ def __truediv__(self, other): return self._apply_inner(self.node / other) def __sub__(self, other): return self._apply_inner(self.node - other) def view(self, **data): return View(self.node, **dict(self.view_data, **data))
[docs] def scale(self, scale): return self._apply_inner(self.node.scale(scale))
[docs] def translate(self, delta): return self._apply_inner(self.node.translate(delta))
[docs] def rotate(self, axis, theta): return self._apply_inner(self.node.rotate(axis, theta))
[docs] def rotate_at(self, origin, axis, theta): return self._apply_inner(self.node.rotate_at(origin, axis, theta))
[docs]class Extrusion(Node): """ A three-dimensional object built from rings of :class:`` objects with the same number of points at each ring: >>> parallelogram = Polygon([ ... Point(0, 0), ... Point(0, 1), ... Point(1, 2), ... Point(1, 1) ... ]) >>> square = Polygon([ ... Point(0, 0), ... Point(0, 1), ... Point(1, 1), ... Point(1, 0) ... ]) >>> object = Extrusion([ ... PlanarPolygon(Basis.xy, parallelogram), ... PlanarPolygon(Basis.xy + Vector(0, 0, 1), square), ... ]) The rings must all have the same number of vertices. Quads are generated to connect each ring, and the bottom and top layers then complete the shape. `rings` : A list of :class:`` objects defining each ring of the final shape. """ def __init__(self, slices): sizes = ( tuple(len(poly.points) for poly in sl.polygon.polygons) for sl in slices ) assert(len(set(sizes)) == 1) self.slices = slices super().__init__(self.generate_polygons()) def construction(self): return Collection(self.slices)
[docs] def generate_polygons(self): """ Calculates all polygons for this shape. """ levels = [ [ *s.to_face(Face.Positive).project(exterior=True), *s.to_face(Face.Negative).project(exterior=False) ] for s in self.slices ] bottom = self.create_cap(self.slices[0], Face.Positive) middle = [ p for la, lb in zip(levels, levels[1:]) for a, b in zip(la, lb) for p in self.ring(a, b) ] top = self.create_cap(self.slices[-1], Face.Negative) return [*bottom, *middle, *top]
def create_cap(self, slice, polarity): return Face(slice.basis, polarity, slice.polygon).simplified_projection()
[docs] def ring(self, bottom, top): """ Builds a ring from two slices. """ lines = list(zip(bottom.points, top.points)) polygons = [Polygon([la[1], lb[1], lb[0], la[0]]).simplify() for la, lb in zip(lines, lines[1:] + [lines[0]])] return [p for p in polygons if p is not None]
[docs]class Transformed(Node): """ Geometry that has had a matrix transform applied to it. You probably should use methods on :py:class:`Node` instead of instantiating this class directly. """ def __init__(self, prior, matrix): self.prior = prior self.matrix = matrix polygons = [ Polygon([matrix * point for point in polygon.points]) for polygon in prior.polygons ] super().__init__(polygons) self.view_data = prior.view_data
[docs]class Union(Node): """ Defines a union of a list of `parts`: >>> many = Union([ ... Box(Point(0, 0, 0), Vector(10, 1, 1)), ... Box(Point(0, 0, 0), Vector(1, 10, 1)), ... Box(Point(0, 0, 0), Vector(1, 1, 10)), ... ]) """ def __init__(self, parts): super().__init__(engines.csg.union(*(p.polygons for p in parts))) = parts
[docs]class Box(Extrusion): """ A simple three-dimensional box: >>> cube = Box(Point.origin, Vector(1, 1, 1)) `origin` : a :class:`` defining the origin of this box. `size` : a :class:`` of the box's size. """ def __init__(self, origin, size): self.origin = origin self.extent = extent = origin + size footprint = shape.Rectangle( Point(*self.origin.xy), Vector(*size.xy) ) bz = Vector.basis.z bottom = PlanarPolygon(Basis.xy + bz * origin.z, footprint) top = PlanarPolygon(Basis.xy + bz * extent.z, footprint) super().__init__([bottom, top]) def __repr__(self): return "Box({0!r}, {1!r})".format(self.origin, self.size()) def size(self): return self.extent - self.origin
[docs]class PolygonExtrusion(Extrusion): """ Extrusion of a :py:class:`` created from a two-dimensional :py:class:`~petrify.plane.Polygon` or :py:class:`~petrify.plane.ComplexPolygon2` into three-dimensional space: >>> triangle = Polygon([ ... Point(0, 0), ... Point(0, 2), ... Point(1, 1) ... ]) >>> planar = PlanarPolygon(Basis.xy, triangle) >>> extruded = PolygonExtrusion(planar, Vector(0, 0, 1)) `footprint` : a :py:class:`` object describing a the polygon that will be extruded in the given `direction` `direction` : A :class:`` defining which direction the polygon will be linearly extruded into. """ def __init__(self, footprint, direction): self.footprint = footprint self.bottom = self.footprint = PlanarPolygon(footprint.basis + direction, footprint.polygon) super().__init__([self.bottom,])
[docs]class Spun(Node): """ A three-dimensional object built from two-dimensional profiles rotated uniformly around an axis: >>> axis = Vector.basis.z >>> start = Vector.basis.y >>> tri = Polygon([ ... Point(0, 0), ... Point(1, 1), ... Point(0, 2) ... ]) >>> spun = Spun(axis, start, [tri] * 5) The y-axis of the profile is used as the rotational axis when building the solid. """ def __init__(self, axis, start, turns): self.axis = axis self.start = start assert(len(set(len(t.points) for t in turns)) == 1) self.turns = turns super().__init__(self.generate_polygons()) def profile(self, polygon, angle): bx = self.start.rotate(self.axis, angle) return Polygon([ (p.x * bx + p.y * self.axis).point() for p in polygon.points ]) def profiles(self): steps = len(self.turns) - 1 return [ self.profile(polygon, tau * float(ix) / steps) for ix, polygon in enumerate(self.turns) ] def construction(self): return Collection(self.profiles())
[docs] def generate_polygons(self): """ Calculates all polygons for this shape. """ profiles = self.profiles() middle = [p for a, b in zip(profiles, profiles[1:]) for p in self.rotation(a, b)] return middle
[docs] def rotation(self, a, b): """ Builds a ring from two slices. """ lines = list(zip(a.points, b.points)) polygons = [Polygon([la[1], lb[1], lb[0], la[0]]).simplify() for la, lb in zip(lines, lines[1:] + [lines[0]])] return [p for p in polygons if p is not None]
[docs]class Cylinder(PolygonExtrusion): """ A three-dimensional cylinder extruded along the given `axis`: >>> axle = Cylinder(Point.origin, Vector.basis.y * 10, 1.0) The actual cylinder is approximated by creating many `segments` of quads to simulate a circular shape. `origin` : a :class:`` defining the origin of this cylinder. `axis` : a :class:`` that defines the axis the cylinder will be "spun about". The magnitude of the axis is the height of the cylinder. `radius` : the radius of the cylinder. `segments` : the number of quads to use when approximating the cylinder. """ def __init__(self, origin, axis, radius, segments=10): self.origin = origin self.axis = axis self.radius = radius circle = shape.Circle(Point(0, 0), radius, segments) bx = perpendicular(axis).normalized() by = bx.cross(axis).normalized() bottom = PlanarPolygon(Basis(origin, bx, by), circle) super().__init__(bottom, axis)
[docs] def height(self): """ The height of this cylinder along its `axis`. """ return self.axis.magnitude()
[docs]class Sphere(Extrusion): """ A sphere defined via `center` and a `radius` >>> ball = Sphere(Point.origin, 1) The actual sphere is approximated by creating many `segments` of longitudinal circles, each in turn approximated with the same number of `segments` `center` : a :class:`` defining the center of this sphere `radius` : the radius of the sphere. `segments` : the number of longitudinal circles and segments to use when approximating the sphere. """ def __init__(self, center, radius, segments=10): = center self.radius = radius angles = list(tau * float(a) / segments for a in range(segments)) circle = shape.Circle(Point(0, 0), self.radius, segments) start = Basis.xy + Vector(* dz = Vector.basis.z * self.radius slices = [ PlanarPolygon( start + (dz * math.cos(beta)), circle * math.sin(beta) ) for beta in (a / 2 for a in angles) ] super().__init__(slices)