Source code for petrify.formats.stl

import struct
from import Polygon3, Point3

from ..solid import Node
from .. import units

[docs]class STL: """ A STL-formatted file at the given `path` with the specified file `scale`: >>> import tempfile >>> from petrify import u >>> output ='tests/fixtures/svg.stl', 1 * / u.file) >>> output ='tests/fixtures/svg.stl', 'mm') >>> with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as fp: ... STL(, 'inches').write(output) """ def __init__(self, path, scale): self.path = path self.scale = units.conversion(scale)
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, path, scale): """ Read a :class:`~petrify.solid.Node` from a STL-formatted file: >>> from petrify import u >>> e ='tests/fixtures/svg.stl', 1 * u.inch / u.file) >>> len(e.polygons) 40 >>> e.units <Unit('inch')> """ polygons = read_polys_from_stl_file(path) scale = units.conversion(scale) return Node(polygons) * units.u.file * scale
[docs] def write(self, solid): """ Save a :class:`~petrify.solid.Node` to a STL-formatted file. >>> from petrify import u >>> from petrify.solid import Box, Point, Vector >>> from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile >>> b = Box(Point.origin, Vector(1, 1, 1)) >>> with NamedTemporaryFile() as fp: ... STL(, 1 * / u.file).write(b.as_unit('inches')) The input geometry must have a length unit tag: >>> STL('/tmp/error.stl', 1 * / u.file).write(b) Traceback (most recent call last): ... AssertionError: object does not have unit tag: Box(Point(0, 0, 0), Vector(1, 1, 1)) """ units.assert_lengthy(solid) output = (solid / self.scale).m_as(units.u.file) save_polys_to_stl_file(output.polygons, self.path)
[docs]class StlEndOfFileException(Exception): """Exception class for reaching the end of the STL file while reading.""" pass
[docs]class StlMalformedLineException(Exception): """Exception class for malformed lines in the STL file being read.""" pass
def _float_fmt(val): """ Make a short, clean, string representation of a float value. """ s = ("%.6f" % val).rstrip('0').rstrip('.') return '0' if s == '-0' else s def _stl_write_facet(poly, f, binary=True): """ Writes a single triangle facet to the given STL file stream. binary - Save in binary format if True, else ASCII format. """ norm = v0, v1, v2 = poly.points if binary: data = struct.pack( '<3f 3f 3f 3f H', norm[0], norm[1], norm[2], v0.x, v0.y, v0.z, v1.x, v1.y, v1.z, v2.x, v2.y, v2.z, 0 ) f.write(data) else: v0 = " ".join(_float_fmt(x) for x in v0.pos) v1 = " ".join(_float_fmt(x) for x in v1.pos) v2 = " ".join(_float_fmt(x) for x in v2.pos) norm = " ".join(_float_fmt(x) for x in norm) vfmt = ( " facet normal {norm}\n" " outer loop\n" " vertex {v0}\n" " vertex {v1}\n" " vertex {v2}\n" " endloop\n" " endfacet\n" ) data = vfmt.format(norm=norm, v0=v0, v1=v1, v2=v2) f.write(bytes(data, encoding='ascii'))
[docs]def save_polys_to_stl_file(polys, filename, binary=True): """ Save polygons in STL file. polys - list of Polygons. filename - Name fo the STL file to save to. binary - if true (default), file is written in binary STL format. Otherwise ASCII STL format. """ # Convert all polygons to triangles. tris = [] for poly in polys: vlen = len(poly.points) for n in range(1,vlen-1): tris.append( Polygon3([ poly.points[0], poly.points[n%vlen], poly.points[(n+1)%vlen], ]) ) if binary: with open(filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(b'%-80s' % b'Binary STL Model') f.write(struct.pack('<I', len(tris))) for tri in tris: _stl_write_facet(tri, f, binary=binary) else: with open(filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(b"solid Model\n") for tri in tris: _stl_write_facet(tri, f, binary=binary) f.write(b"endsolid Model\n")
def _read_ascii_line(f, watchwords=None): """ Reads a single line from an ASCII STL file stream and checks for required keywords. Returns array of float values from the read line. Throws StlEndOfFileException if 'endsolid' line is read. Throws StlMalformedLineException if keywords are not found. """ line = f.readline(1024).decode("ascii") if line == "": raise StlEndOfFileException() words = line.strip(' \t\n\r').lower().split() if words[0] == 'endsolid': raise StlEndOfFileException() argstart = 0 if watchwords: watchwords = watchwords.lower().split() argstart = len(watchwords) for i in range(argstart): if words[i] != watchwords[i]: raise StlMalformedLineException() return [float(val) for val in words[argstart:]] def _read_ascii_facet(f): """ Load a single facet triangle from the ASCII STL file stream. Skips corrupted facets if it can. Returns a Polygon. Throws StlEndOfFileException if EOF is reached. """ while True: try: normal = _read_ascii_line(f, watchwords='facet normal') _read_ascii_line(f, watchwords='outer loop') v0 = _read_ascii_line(f, watchwords='vertex') v1 = _read_ascii_line(f, watchwords='vertex') v2 = _read_ascii_line(f, watchwords='vertex') _read_ascii_line(f, watchwords='endloop') _read_ascii_line(f, watchwords='endfacet') if v0 == v1 or v1 == v2 or v2 == v0: continue # zero area facet. Skip to next facet. except StlEndOfFileException: return None except StlMalformedLineException: continue # Skip to next facet. v0 = Point3(*v0) v1 = Point3(*v1) v2 = Point3(*v2) return Polygon3([v0, v1, v2]) def _read_binary_facet(f): """ Load a single facet triangle from the binary STL file stream. Returns a Polygon. """ data = struct.unpack('<3f 3f 3f 3f H',*4*3+2)) normal = data[0:3] v0 = Point3(*data[3:6]) v1 = Point3(*data[6:9]) v2 = Point3(*data[9:12]) return Polygon3([v0, v1, v2])
[docs]def read_polys_from_stl_file(filename): """ Read array of triangle polygons from an STL file. filename - Name fo the STL file to read from. """ polygons = [] is_ascii = False with open(filename, 'rb') as f: line = f.readline(80) if line == "": return # End of file. line = line.lstrip() if line[0:6].lower() == b"solid ": for line in f: if b"endsolid" in line: is_ascii = True break with open(filename, 'rb') as f: f.readline(80) if is_ascii: # Reading ASCII STL file. while True: poly = _read_ascii_facet(f) if not poly: break polygons.append(poly) else: # Reading Binary STL file. chunk = facets = struct.unpack('<I', chunk)[0] for n in range(facets): poly = _read_binary_facet(f) if not poly: break polygons.append(poly) return polygons